Novel accelerators play an important part in CI research. Our experts are making key contributions to:
- The AWAKE experiment at CERN (proton-driven wakefield acceleration).
- The EuPRAXIA collaboration that develops a pan-European plasma accelerator with superior beam quality (electron and laser-driven).
- Plasma acceleration R&D at CLARA (electron-driven).
- Experiments at the University of Strathclyde’s SCAPA facility (laser-driven).
- Studies into ultra-compact dielectric and carbon nanotube structures that give access to extremely high accelerating gradients.
- Developing THz-driven acceleration schemes by combining picosecond THz sources with dielectric and metallic structures targeting high-gradient acceleration of high-quality beams.
CI also explores the use of the Central Laser Facility (CLF) at Rutherford Appleton Lab and the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) in Eastern Europe for laser-driven experiments.