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Frontier Accelerators

The Cockcroft Institute is carrying out a lot of its research in collaboration with large scale research facilities.

Frontier Acclerators

The Cockcroft Institute has established long-term international collaborations with accelerator institutes through a visitor programme and participation in joint projects.

This includes for example contributions to large scale research facilities, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, its High Luminosity upgrade program and the Future Circular Collider projects via FCCIS.

The institute pursues a very broad and interdisciplinary research program into the design of beyond state-of-the-art low energy antimatter research facilities. CI groups are involved in the ALPHA experiment at CERN, have been leading the development towards an ultra-low energy storage ring at FLAIR and are also a major contributor to the new ELENA facility at CERN.

CI researchers are helping push the boundaries of high intensity accelerators through contributions to the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Sweden and the UK’s neutron science facility ISIS . All CI partners collaborate on the optimization and experimental exploitation of the VELA and CLARA facilities on Daresbury campus.

CI scientists and engineers also develop underpinning technologies such as rf cavities, vacuum systems and magnets, as well as beam diagnostics techniques to support work on scientific frontier machines.