Internal Events

April 2, 2015

The Daresbury Laboratory Particle Physics Masterclass 2015

[caption id="attachment_2574" align="alignleft" width="300"] Students discover the ‘power of vacuum' using a pair of Magdeburg Spheres[2] , supervised by Penny Jones of Withington Girls School 6th form (‘graduate’ of the 2014 Masterclass)[/caption]Daresbury Laboratory held its Particle Physics Masterclass over 3 days…
January 29, 2015 AWAKE-UK

AWAKE-UK Collaboration met at the Cockcroft Institute

The annual meeting of the AWAKE-UK collaboration was hosted by Prof. Carsten Welsch at the Cockcroft Institute on Wednesday, 28 January 2015. Prof. Matthew Wing from UCL, spokesman of the collaboration, opened the meeting with an update on the status…
December 1, 2014

CI GradFest 2014

[caption id="attachment_1733" align="alignright" width="300"] CI GradFest 2014[/caption] The Cockcroft Institute held it's annual GradFest on November 27th where many of the Cockcroft Institute's PhD students presented their work to each other and the rest of the institute.The talks spanned activities…
June 11, 2014

First EnEfficient RF Sources Workshop

The first EnEfficient RF Sources workshop took place at the Cockcroft Institute on the 3-4th June. Over 40 delegates took part in the 2 day workshop including 18 speakers presenting the state of the art (and beyond) of RF sources…
January 20, 2014

Accelerator Community Calls for CLARA

Group photograph The Institute of Physics Particle Accelerator and Beams Group sponsored a meeting of UK accelerator professionals on 13th January 2014 at the Cockcroft Institute to discuss the accelerator science and technology opportunities that would be afforded by the…
November 28, 2013 HiLumiMeeting_groupLarge

The 2nd annual meeting of the HiLumi LHC-LARP collaboration

The joint HiLumi LHC-LARP collaboration held its 2nd annual meeting between 11-15 November 2013, hosted by the Cockcroft Institute and Daresbury Laboratory. The international meeting brought together 180 physicists and engineers from as far as Japan and America to address…