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External Events

May 15, 2015

CI Contributions to the World’s Largest Accelerator Conference

IPAC'15, the sixth International Particle Accelerator Conference, was held in historic Richmond, Virginia, USA from May 3-8, 2015 at the Greater Richmond Convention Center. With more than 1,000 contributed papers, IPAC is the largest annual event in the field of…
April 24, 2015

Accelerator experts discuss best training schemes

The annual meeting of the Joint Universities Accelerator School (JUAS) took place on 23 and 24 April 2015. It was hosted by Prof. Carsten P. Welsch and joined scholars and researchers from across Europe to review the 2015 edition of…
April 2, 2015

Cockcroft Scientist elected as FLAIR Spokesperson

Antiprotons, stored and cooled at low energies in a storage ring or at rest in traps, are highly desirable for the investigation of a large number of basic questions on fundamental interactions, on the static structure of exotic antiprotonic atomic systems…
April 1, 2015

Workshop and International Conference organized by the Cockcroft Institute

The Cockcroft Institute-coordinated project LA3NET delivered a workshop on Beam Diagnostics and an International Conference on Laser Applications at Accelerators between 23-27 March on Mallorca, Spain. The workshop discussed the current state-of-the-art and future trends in optical diagnostics for charged…
March 18, 2015

Computer-aided Optimization of Accelerators

The oPAC network, coordinated by the Cockcroft Institute, has organised a three-day long workshop on Computer-Aided optimisation of Accelerators (CAoPAC) at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt, Germany from 10 – 13 March 2015. oPAC is…
December 9, 2014

The EU Project TEAM Training Day

[caption id="attachment_1740" align="alignright" width="300"] Rob Ashworth and Samina Faisal presenting[/caption] The EU Project TEAM from the QUASAR Group at the University of Liverpool, based at the Cockcroft Institute, organized a full day training event on European-funded project administration for institutions…
Scientists Go Industry
November 21, 2014

Career paths for next generation researchers

  [caption id="attachment_1374" align="alignright" width="575"] Scientists Go Industry[/caption] Scientists Go Industry workshop The brainchild of the early stage researcher fellows from the LA³NET project, the Scientists Go Industry workshop was designed to explore the career options for post-doctoral level researchers.…
October 15, 2014

Particle Accelerator Engineering Network Meeting

  Lancaster recently played a lead role in the kick-off meeting for a new engineering network linking the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) and the Institute of Physics (IoP). The group brings together all…
October 7, 2014

Combining Lasers and Accelerators to Train the next Generation of Researchers

The LA³NET consortium held an Advanced School on Laser Applications at Accelerators between 29 September and 3 October 2014. The event was hosted by the Spanish Pulsed Lasers Centre (CLPU) in Salamanca, Spain and attracted over 70 participants from all over the…