External Events

November 1, 2017

Celebrating the 150th Birth Anniversary of Marie Skłodowska-Curie

The QUASAR Group, based at the Cockcroft Institute, and its international partners are going to celebrate the 150th birth anniversary of Marie Skłodowska–Curie, an outstanding researcher and woman inspiring generations of scientists. Since 1996, the European Union’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions…
September 18, 2017

CI at INTERACT Symposium

[caption id="attachment_4925" align="alignleft" width="169"] Dr Chris Edmonds at INTERACT 2017.[/caption] QUASAR Group members Dr Chris Edmonds and Dr Ricardo Torres, of the Cockcroft Institute and University of Liverpool, went to Birmingham on 14th September to participate in the INTERACT Symposium. INTERACT…
September 4, 2017

Cockcroft contributions to IBIC

The annual International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC) took place in Grand Rapids, USA between 20-24 August 2017. IBIC is a fruitful gathering of the world's beam instrumentation community and encourages international collaboration in the field of beam instrumentation for accelerators.…
July 3, 2017

EuPRAXIA 1st Collaboration Week in Hamburg

[caption id="attachment_4854" align="aligncenter" width="833"] Participants of the 1st EuPRAXIA Collaboration Week at DESY, Hamburg. (Image credit: Marta Meyer/DESY)[/caption] As the EuPRAXIA design study advances, it becomes increasingly complicated to have a complete overview of the project. The different work packages…
June 23, 2017

3rd HiLumi Industry Day held in Warrington

The 3rd HiLumi Industry Day was held in Warrington on the 22nd - 23rd May, organized by CERN in connection with the major CERN project for the next decade, the High Luminosity LHC project (HL-LHC). This event followed the 2nd…
June 21, 2017

International School on Medical Accelerators

Researchers from the Cockcroft Institute organised the first scientific school of the OMA Project coordinated by CI/University of Liverpool at CNAO in Pavia, Italy between 4th - 9th June. The event gathered 75 delegates from across Europe. Along the OMA…
April 4, 2017

Accelerator Outreach kicks up a Notch

Last Saturday was a hot day for our QUASAR Group’s effort to promote accelerator science among the public and attract youngsters to this exciting field of science and technology. [caption id="attachment_4762" align="aligncenter" width="517"] Prof Carsten Welsch and Lina Hoummi at…
March 17, 2017

OMA School on Medical Accelerators

5th - 9th June 2017, Fondazione CNAO,  Pavia, Italy ‌The OMA consortium is organising an international school on medical accelerators that is open for participants from within and outside the network. Renowned lecturers will complement partner expertise to cover topics such as…