
October 3, 2013

Cockcroft Institute Particle Accelerator School

The Cockcroft Institute is hosting a two week intensive particle accelerator school (CIPAS). The school will cover beam dynamics, magnets, RF, vacuum, diagnostics and undulators. The school is postgraduate level and is open to any UK students or staff at…
September 27, 2013

Cockcroft Institute Contributions to IBIC 2013

This year the International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC) took place in Oxford, UK from 16th-20th September. The QUASAR Group’s EU Project T.E.A.M, based at The Cockcroft Institute, attended the conference and had a strong presence with a EU projects stand. In…
June 10, 2013

Accelerating Training

18 fellows from one of the largest research and training networks ever funded by the EU, the Liverpool-coordinated oPAC (‘Optimization of Particle Accelerators’) gathered in Liverpool for a week-long researcher skills school, which was held at the University’s graduate training…
May 11, 2013 AlphaX Workshop

ALPHA-X Topical Workshop

Approximately 30 delegates enjoyed a wealth of enlightening presentations on contemporary topics in laser-plasma physics, FELs and related areas of interest to the ALPHA-X partnership at an open research meeting held on 2-3 May 2013 at the Cockcroft Institute. The meeting was…