
October 25, 2018

If you invented a giant machine – what would it do?

Treat cancer? Generate energy? Make food last longer? The people of Liverpool are being invited to participate in a community-designed art installation more than 20 metres beneath the city’s streets. It will showcase the city’s acclaimed artists and ground breaking scientific…
October 19, 2018

The Force is strong at CI

On 11th October 2018, the Star Wars universe came to Daresbury Laboratory. Professor Carsten Welsch, Head of the Liverpool Accelerator Science group, gave a special staff seminar on the Physics of Star Wars. This followed on from a highly successful…
July 16, 2018

Antimatter School held at CERN

The Cockcroft Institute has a unique track record in the coordination of pan-European training networks and has coordinated no less than 5 such initiatives over the past decade. Defining new training standards in antimatter research is the declared goal of…
July 11, 2018

Cockcroft Institute hosts major events on plasma accelerators

Scientists from across Europe gathered in Liverpool last week to discuss the future of plasma accelerators, advanced laser technology, and industry opportunities alongside a discussion of research progress made within the EuPRAXIA Design Study, supported by the European Union within…