CI Research presented in the Land of the Morning Calm

Conference1This year’s International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’16) took place at the BEXCO Convention Centre, located in the lively and scenic Haeundae District of Busan, South Korea. IPAC’16 was the seventh International Particle Accelerator Conference, a conference that rotates annually between Asia/Oceania, Europe, and the Americas. Since 2010, IPAC has been the premier event in the field of particle accelerators, attracting over 1,500 experts from accelerator laboratories and universities around the world.

Scientists, engineers and students from the CI made more than 50 contributions to the world’s largest accelerator conferences, giving an overview of the many research activities that the institute is currently involved in. This included work on the Large Hadron Collider and its upgrades, latest results from studies into advanced beam diagnostics, as well as progress made in the international AWAKE project.

ASTeC material and surface scientist Reza Valizadeh contributed a talk on “Low Secondary Electron Yield Engineered Surface for Electron Cloud Eradication”. In his presentation he showed how new surface treatment techniques can help overcome factors that otherwise risk limiting accelerator performance.


Ricardo Torres and Magda Klimontowska from our EU Project TEAM presented updates from a number of European projects that the institute is currently involved in at a dedicated industry stand.


Particular highlights were the release of project leaflets for the H2020 Design Studies EuPRAXIA and EuroCirCol, as well as the brand-new CI-coordinated European network on medical accelerators, OMA.