The Cockcroft Institute opens summer internship programme to industrial collaborations

The Cockcroft Institute runs every summer a student internship programme, where young undergraduates are given the opportunity to work alongside researchers from the institute for six weeks, participating in projects at the forefront of accelerator science and technology.   

This year, the programme is being expanded to include industrially relevant projects. During the summer of 2024, the Cockcroft Institute will be offering businesses access to high-calibre students to work on 6-week experimental and exploratory projects.

The scheme is aimed at companies which could benefit from some experimental help for their research and development projects, like collecting data on a test system or prototype, data analysis, or literature review.

Students will be employed by one of the Institute’s partners and supervised by an experienced member of Cockcroft to help guide the work. Students can be physically based in one of the laboratories in Daresbury or on the business’ premises.

The cost for the interested company will be £4000, which can be reduced to £2000 where there is a joint industry/academic focus.

For more information and to discuss your requirements, please contact