Professor Claudio Paoloni appointed to two prestigious roles

Professor Claudio Paoloni, a member of the Cockcroft Institute from Lancaster University, is to become a Distinguished Lecturer at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Electron Devices Society.

Professor Paoloni, a Senior IEEE Member, is Professor of Electronics and Cockcroft Chair at the School of Engineering of Lancaster University.

Professor Claudio Paoloni

His lecture entitled “Renaissance of Travelling-Wave Tube Technology for sub-THz Applications” will be delivered within the next two years to different institutions in the IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and Africa)

The lecture will cover the most advanced aspects of the sub-THz Traveling Wave Tubes technology, including the latest achievements in the field of Professor Paoloni’ s group at the School of Engineering.

IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecturers are typically renowned experts in their field and effective communicators, nominated by a highly competitive process.

Professor Paoloni said: “I am very honoured to be nominated IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecturer. It is a great opportunity to disseminate the outstanding advancements of sub-THz vacuum electronics.”

In addition, he has been appointed Associate Editor for the IEEE’s “Transaction on Microwave Theory and Technology” which is the flagship journal of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society, concerning RF and microwave technology.

He said: “I am grateful to the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Almudena Suarez, University of Cantabria, for the invitation to serve on the Editorial Board of the IEEE “Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques”. It is a very exciting task to contribute to the excellence of the journal.

Professor Paoloni is the author of more than 260 articles in international journals and conference proceedings in the field of high frequency electronics, in particular on sub-THz vacuum electronics devices for enabling 5G and 6G novel wireless communication paradigms.

He established and leads the TWT Fab, a unique distributed academic laboratory in Europe for the fabrication of sub-THz Traveling Wave Tubes.

He has been a Coordinator of the Horizon 2020 Project TWEETHER “Travelling wave tube based w-band wireless networks with high data rate distribution, spectrum & energy efficiency” and of the Horizon 2020 ULTRAWAVE “Ultra capacity wireless layer beyond 100 GHz based on millimetre wave Traveling Wave Tubes”.

He was a member of the Board of Governor of IEEE Electron Devices Society (2019 – 2022, chair of the IEEE EDS Vacuum Electronics Technical Committee (2017 – 2020) and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

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