Every year the international particle accelerator community gathers for the International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC), the largest regular gathering in the field of accelerator physics. The 2020 conference was due to be held in Caen, northern France, but the physical conference was sadly cancelled due to the ongoing pandemic. The organisers instead arranged for speakers including three Cockcroft Institute scientists to give online talks and field questions from viewers.
The Cockcroft speakers were Ben Shepherd (ASTeC), Deepa Angal-Kalinin (ASTeC) and Morgan Hibberd (University of Manchester). Ben was invited to speak in the conferences opening plenary session on the global development of energy saving permanent magnet systems for accelerators around the world and the work done on these systems in Daresbury. Deepa was invited to give a talk on the progress of the Full Energy Beam Exploitation (FEBE) line being constructed on the CLARA accelerator at Daresbury, and Morgan was invited to give a talk on the work of the Cockcroft Institute on novel wakefield based acceleration techniques.
All three talks were very well received and generates significant online interaction between the authors and viewing scientists from around the world. The CI is very proud to have been invited for three talks at this very prestigious event, and we all look forward to hopefully being able to attend the next IPAC in person!