22 -23 September
Meeting of the DITANET Steering Committee
The third meeting of the DITANET Steering Committee was hosted by the Cockcroft Institute of Accelerator Science and Technology on September 22nd and 23rd. The delegates from Germany, Switzerland, Romania, Spain, and the UK critically reviewed the network’s recent activities, such as the first DITANET School on beam diagnostics at RHUL, and planned future Schools, Topical Workshops, Secondments, and collaborative research.
The Steering Committee is a body of senior scientists that was elected at the project start and is responsible of the implementation of the overall network strategy and takes all decisions concerning the network.
The Marie Curie Initial Training Network – “DIagnostic Techniques for particle Accelerators – a european NETwork” is coordinated by the University of Liverpool since 1st November 2008. With a maximum budget of up to 4,16 M€ it is the largest-ever EU funded education action for PhD students and young Postdocs in beam instrumentation for accelerators. The network was initiated and is coordinated by Carsten P. Welsch who joined the Cockcroft Institute in November 2008.
Further information:
23 September
Daresbury SIC wins ‘Outstanding Science Park’ award
Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus (Daresbury SIC) won a prestigious UK Science Park Association Award at a glittering award ceremony in the Museum of Science & Industry, Manchester.
BANG goes the theory
The ASTeC (Accelerator Science and Technology Centre) vacuum science group supplied the Bell Jar used in the BBC science programme ‘BANG’ for the experiment ‘Silence’.
Please contact Joe Herbert for details.
6-10 September
Workshop on “Accelerator Science and Technology”
Hohenwart Forum Pforzheim,
After the successful workshop in Bad Herrenalb 2008, the QUASAR and THz-Groups joined forces again to organize a workshop on “Accelerator Science and Technology” in Pforzheim, Germany.
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After the successful workshop in Bad Herrenalb 2008, the QUASAR and THz-Groups joined forces again to organize a workshop on “Accelerator Science and Technology” in Pforzheim, Germany.
Cutting edge developments in the field of particle accelerators formed again the focus of the discussions during the four days, but also complementary skills, such as presentation techniques, project and time management, and feedback were intensely discussed. POL sessions on cyclotrons, the reaction microscope, spectrometer design, particle beam cancer therapy, beam energy measurements, accelerator diagnostics, and the electron cloud effect complemented the workshop program.
During a full day excursion to the Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research (GSI) in Darmstadt the present R&D program of both groups was presented in 18 talks underlining the broad research spectrum both groups are covering. The 30 participants were kindly offered a visit to the GSI accelerator facility by Drs. Peter Forck and Tobias Hoffmann from GSI’s beam diagnostics groups who also explained details about the future facility for antiproton and ion research (FAIR).
Workshop organizer and QUASAR group leader Carsten P. Welsch has been a member of the Cockcroft Institute of Accelerator Science and Technology and a faculty member at Liverpool University since November 2008. The workshop is part of the continuous teaching and training efforts of the Cockcroft Institute and its international partners.
Further Information: