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News Items September 2008

10 September

Big Bang Day on BBC Radio 4 a special day of programmes planned to coincide with the official switch-on of the LHC at CERN on September 10th.  Radio 4


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04 September

Agreement of Collaboration between CERN and the Cockcroft Institute
At CERN on the 29th August 2008 Prof. Swapan Chattopadhyay and CERN Director General Dr. Robert Aymar signed a major and comprehensive Agreement of Collaboration between CERN and the Cockcroft Institute.



[toggle_item title=”Agreement of Collaboration between CERN and the Cockcroft Institute” active=”false”]At CERN on the 29th August 2008 Prof. Swapan Chattopadhyay and CERN Director General Dr. Robert Aymar signed a major and comprehensive Agreement of Collaboration between CERN and the Cockcroft Institute. It encompasses all aspects of advanced research and development of accelerator systems and particle beams of protons, anti-protons, neutrons, ions, electrons, positrons, muons, neutrinos, and photons that can bring out the full potential of the existing integrated accelerator complex at CERN and its potential future upgrades and transformations. The collaboration in return will add value back reciprocally in enhancing the accelerator science and technology base and core competency in the United Kingdom, making it possible to bring about emerging facilities in the nation serving partcle, nuclear, neutron and photon sciences.

Dr. Robert Aymar, repeated his support from 2007, “I am excited and very pleased by…the Cockcroft Institute and I look forward to important and significant collaboration in the years to come to the benefit of the European community and the rest of the world.”

CERN group




(left to right) Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Heuer (CERN Director General Designate from January 2009), Mr. John Paul Cockcroft, Mrs. Rowan Cockcroft, Prof. Swapan Chattopadhyay, Dr. Steve Myers (Director of Accelerators and Beams division at CERN), Dr. John Womersley (STFC Director of Programs and Strategy), Christine Sutton (Editor-in-Chief of CERN Courier), Prof. Peter Butler (University of Liverpool), Dr. Emmanuel Tsesmelis (Advisor to CERN Director General), Prof. John Dainton (Chief Scientist, Cockcroft Institute) and Dr. Robert Aymar (Director-General of CERN).

(left to right) Mr. John Paul Cockcroft Jr., Mrs. Rowan Cockcroft, Prof. Swapan Chattopadhyay and Dr. Emmanuel Tsesmelis under the sign for a special road at CERN named after the Nobelist Sir John Cockcroft.
