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News Items May 2008

30 MaypolantiPoster

The Cockcroft Institute is pleased to announce that the proceedings of the workshop “Polarized Antiproton Beams – How?” held at the Cockcroft Institute from 29 to 31 August 2007 have now been published by the American Institute of Physics as AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1008
It is hoped that polarised antiprotons will be a significant element in the programme of research at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) envisioned for construction near Darmstadt in Germany. The Cockcroft Institute is proud to have been able to contribute by hosting this workshop.
LINKS: FAIR | Scitation | AIP


T_McKillop_med15 May

Sir Tom McKillop visited the Cockcroft Institute during his visit to the Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus on May 12, 2008. Sir Tom was given a brief overview of the Cockcroft Institute by the institute Director Prof. Swapan Chattopadhyay, followed by a discussion on the current issues facing the institute and Daresbury Lab scientists.
(left to right: Prof. Dainton, Prof. Mike Poole, Sir Tom McKillop andProf. Chattopadhyay – click thumbnail for larger version)

[toggle_item title=”Sir Tom McKillop visits the Cockcroft Institute” active=”false”]Sir Tom McKillop visited the Cockcroft Institute during his visit to the Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus on May 12, 2008. Sir Tom was given a brief overview of the Cockcroft Institute by the institute Director Prof. Swapan Chattopadhyay, followed by a discussion on the current issues facing the institute and Daresbury Lab scientists in the aftermath of the STFC merger, comprehensive spending review, the STFC proposed Delivery Plan and the subsequent community and government reaction to the plan. The meeting and discussion was joined by Prof. John Dainton, Founding Director and Chief Scientist of the Cockcroft Institute and Prof. Mike Poole, director of the ASTeC centre of STFC within the Cockcroft Institute, shown here next to Sir Tom and Prof. Chattopadhyay in the institute Atrium as well as by Prof. Colin Whitehouse of STFC and Dr. George Baxter of NWDA. Sir Tom was invited to visit the institute at a convenient later date for a longer length of time for substantial discussions. Sir Tom accepted the invitation with enthusiasm.[/toggle_item]



15 May

Prominent members of the European Nuclear Physics Community visited the Cockcroft Institute for preliminary discussions to identify possible scientific overlap with the interests of the nuclear physicists in the newly proposed Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC) at CERN by the Cockcroft/Liverpool team in consultation with the European Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) community.
(left to right: Prof. Gaardhoje, Prof. Rosner, Prof. Fulton, Prof. Dainton, Prof. Chattopadhyay and Prof. Klein – click thumbnail for larger version)
[toggle_item title=”Prominent Members of the European Nuclear Physics Community Meet at the CI” active=”false”]

Prominent members of the European Nuclear Physics Community: Prof. Brian Fulton, University of York and Chair of NuPECC, Prof. Gunther Rosner of University of Glasgow and Prof. Jens Jorgen Gaardhoje of the Niels Bohr Institute of the University of Copenhagen visited the Cockcroft Institute on the occasion of initiation of preliminary discussions with Prof. John Dainton (Cockcroft Institute and Univ. of Liverpool), Prof. Max Klein (Univ. of Liverpool) and Director Swapan Chattopadhyay, on the topic of identifying possible scientific overlap with and interests of the nuclear physicists in the newly proposed Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC) at CERN by the Cockcroft/Liverpool team in consultation with the European Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) community. The meeting was joined over telephone by Prof. Karlheinz Meier, Chair of the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) from Univ. of Heidenberg. The LHeC will also be presented by Prof. Chattopadhyay on behalf of Prof. Klein, Prof. Dainton and the rest of the community (and discussed by the US nuclear physics community) at a special conference and workshop at the Hampton University in USA on May 20-23, 2008 on the topic of possible Electron Ion Colliders (EIC) in the USA.[/toggle_item]